Amid tensions in the state, the central security forces along with Manipur police carried out search operations and area domination in the vulnerable areas of hills and valley districts, an official release said, adding that the situation was under control. According to the release, the security forces recovered various kinds of arms and ammunition during the search operations in Sekmaijin Hangool Mayal Leikai under Hiyanglam Police Station in Kakching district. The recovered items include a 7.62 SLR rifle without amagazine, a single barrel breech loading (SBBL) gun, a country-made 9mm pistol with ammunitions, a .32 country- made pistol, three nos.
36 hand grenades, two arming rings without detonators, a tube launcher, and various live ammunition and empty cases of AK rifles.Moreover, gears such as bulletproof vests, helmets, and boots were also seized, along with a Kenwood wireless set and other equipment. Meanwhile, authorities ensured the safe movement of vehicles carrying essential goods along the national highways. Strict security measures were implemented at vulnerable locations, and security convoys were deployed on sensitive stretches to facilitate the smooth movement of vehicles.