Security forces seized six rockets in Manipur’s Churachandpur district during search operations, police said on Wednesday. From the Loilamkot and Nalon area under the jurisdiction of Henglep police station the security forces seized six rockets along with one launcher, one country-made mortar (Pompi), one each of 7.62 mm sniper round and sniper magazine, and other articles on Tuesday, the police said. Two cadres of the proscribed KCP (PWG) were arrested from Morok Inkhol village in Imphal East District on Tuesday, police said. “Search operations and area domination were conducted by security forces in the fringe and vulnerable areas of hill and valley Districts. During the search operation, the following items were recovered.
06 (six) nos. of Rocket (IED) along with one Launcher, 01 (one) country made Mortar (Pompi), 01 (one) 7.62 mm Sniper round, 01 (one) Sniper magazine, 03 (three) nos. of Tear Smoke shell (Short Range), 04 (four) nos. of Tear Smoke shell (CS), 02 (two) nos. of Tear smoke shell (Normal), 01 (one) cart 38 mm Riot control with rubber bullet, 03 (three) nos. of IED shells, 03 (three) nos. of Helmet and 03 (three) nos. of BP Jacket with 01 (one) Fibre Plate from Loilamkot to Nalon under Henglep-PS, Churachandpur District,” Manipur Police said on X.