RBI balance sheet to boost 11.07% to Rs 70.47 lakh Crore in FY2024

The balance sheet of the Reserve Bank of India increased by 11.07 percent to Rs 70.47 lakh Crore in the financial year ending March 31, 2024, compared to Rs 63.44 lakh Crore in the financial year 2022-23.
The growth on the asset side was led by growth in foreign investment, gold and loans and advances by 13.9 per cent, 18.26% and 30.05% respectively, the RBI said in its annual report for 2023-24.
As of March 31, 2024, domestic assets stood at 23.31%, while foreign currency assets, gold (including gold and gold deposited in India) and loans and advances given to financial institutions outside India were 76.69 per cent of total assets, while it stood at 26.08% and 73.92 percent on March 31, 2023, respectively.
In terms of liabilities, the expansion was led by an increase in notes issued, deposits and other liabilities by 3.88%, 27 per cent and 92.57% respectively.
RBI’s income increased by 17.04% to Rs 2.75 lakh Crore during FY 2023-24, compared to Rs 2.35 lakh Crore in FY 2022-23. Its interest income increased by 31.82% from Rs 1.43 lakh Crore in 2022-23 to Rs 1.88 lakh Crore in 2023-24. Interest income from foreign securities increased from Rs 43,649.26 Crore in FY2023 to Rs 65,327.93 Crore in FY2024.
Its expenditure fell by 56.3 percent to Rs 64,694.33 Crore in FY 2024, which was Rs 1.48 lakh Crore in FY 2023. RBI’s surplus transfer to the government increased by 141.2 per cent to Rs 2.11 lakh Crore in FY2014, a record dividend payout.

It made a provision of Rs 42,819.91 Crore for the Contingency Fund (CF) in FY2024.

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